The Information and Privacy Commissioner's (IPC) office investigates complaints made by the public who feel their access to information or their privacy rights have been violated by a public body or custodian.
We also support public bodies or custodians by providing advice, recommendations, and tools to ensure they are upholding Yukon's access and privacy laws: the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA) and the Health Information Privacy and Management Act (HIPMA).
These Acts establish rules that public bodies (under ATIPPA) and health sector custodians (under HIPMA) must follow to collect, use, disclose, secure and manage personal and health information. The IPC is the oversight body responsible for ensuring these public organizations comply with these laws. The public has the right to access certain records held by public bodies under ATIPPA, and the right to access their own personal health information under HIPMA.
Our services are free and confidential for complainants and public organizations.